GeoMedia » GeoMedia – Payson Stevens

An acclaimed, early interactive digital CD-ROM developed and published by InterNetwork Media, Inc (INM) in collaboration with the US Geological Survey (USGS) in 1996. GeoMedia was an educational product sold to middle schools (grades 4-7) and home audiences and explores six introductory earth science topics. GeoKids, were young students who introduced the six modules/topics that included: Earthquakes, The Water Cycle, The Carbon Cycle, Time & Change, The Greenhouse Effect, and Understanding Maps. Payson Stevens/INM and Denise Wiltshire/USGS were the Project Directors/USGS. Stevens was also the Creative Director.

GeoMedia Sample Screens

GeoMedia Short Tour

GeoMedia Full Tour

A video recording of the software content, which in the original CD-ROM was completely interactive.